What can you do with the “written” stuff (places, quests …)?
Terms of use
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at The material provided here and all associated files are published under the following license:
What can you do with the drawings?
Every artist retains the copyright on the works (of any kind) presented, published here only with their explicit consent. They are published under the following license:
News: images generated via Artificial Intelligence (AI)
With the arrival of AI in art, it has caused a mess. I am not knowledgeable in artistic ethics or computer science, but I do know one thing: through artificial intelligence processing programs, I am able to produce extremely high quality images beyond what I could produce relying only on my artistic flair in that field (which is 0). Now that I have the concrete possibility, every setting, every mission and so on will be accompanied every time it is possible by images generated in this way, to offer additional help to Dungeon Masters. All images produced with AI were personally made by me, using DiffusionBee or the official website as a base, and then working on the images with some very basic editing program. All images produced by me with AI will be marked with the [AI] designation at the end of the name, and can be distributed according to all the terms in the following licenses: ✓ Open RAIL-M license ✓ CC4 License
The summary is always the same: you are free to download these images as well and use them for your games, but you cannot sell them or profit from them in any other way.
What can you do with the maps?
My maps are created through Dungeondraft. Unless explicitly stated, none of the presented maps have been made by others. However, you cannot use them for commercial purposes because the assets I used on Dungeondraft were either downloaded for free from their creators or purchased, but I do not have a commercial license for all of them: like the rest of the materials presented here, the maps can only be used for personal use, without selling or transferring to third parties in exchange for anything, according to the licenses used by the owners of the individual assets. The maps made by those who have collaborated or are collaborating with the blog follow the same rules as the non-IA drawings: their creators, always listed in the article associated with the maps, retain all rights on the maps themselves. If you like them so much that you want to use them for commercial purposes, well, their contacts are listed here on purpose: helping them in my own small way is the least I can do. Also for them, the used license is the following: